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Officials with the New Mexico Game and Fish department had
to resort to unproven methods to lure a group of bighorn sheep off a northern
New Mexico mountain. Though the officials tried several approaches, the first
day of the operation frustrated them. There were no sheep in their traps, and
Game and Fish officers were left staring up the herd they hoped to move.
The second morning, Game Department intern Fernando Clemente
enticed 30 sheep down from 12,300-foot Mount Wheeler using eight wheat
crackers. Officials followed the cue that the animals might have a need for
salt. They were then able to capture eight ewes with Doritos and other snack
chips left on a trap. State Sheep biologist, Eric Rominger said, “We’re
desperate to try anything.”
The $90,00 trapping operation was aimed at reducing the size
of herd because it was though to be too big for the resources in the area. The
intern who lured the sheep down the mountain was dubbed “The Sheep Whisperer.”
—Reuters, August 19, 2003, ‘Sheep Whisperer’ Speaks to
Bighorn with crackers, Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.
Proverbs 1:10 NIV “My sons, if sinners entice you, do not
give in to them.”