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Pastoral Ministry
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Decades of psychological research have revealed that people tend to go along with the majority view, even if that view is objectively incorrect. A new study published in the journal, Neuron, uses brain imaging to support those beliefs. The new research involving 222 participants found that when people hold an opinion differing from others in a group, their brains produce the equivalent of an error message that makes them think they are too different. When participants were told their rating in an objective test differed from a group average, individuals tended to move their thinking to be more in line with the average.

 Commenting on the research, Dr. Gregory Berna, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Emory University of Medicine in Atlanta said, the two leading theories of conformity state that people tend to look to the group when they are not sure what to do, or when they are afraid of being different. Berna’s research found mechanisms associated with fear and anxiety play a role when a person feels their opinion goes against the grain. Berna says brain images indicate participants were not just lying to fit in; instead they suggest group opinion actually changed participants’ perceptions. Berna says conformity is good in terms of survival, because there is an advantage to being in a community. Berna adds, “Our brains are exquisitely tuned to what other people think about us, aligning our judgments to fit in with the group.” 

--Why so many minds think alike, ; January 15, 2009 Illustration by Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell.

Roman 12:2 GNB “Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God---what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.”


Harvard professors examined what observers thought of individuals who deviate from the norm in a workplace and retail setting. They asked store clerks and customers to rate what they thought of others who walked into luxury stores wearing gym clothes. The customers said, “That person seems out of place. Who would wear casual gym clothes to a fancy store?” However, the sales associate’s mentality is the complete opposite; the one in the casual gym clothes is more likely to make a purchase at the luxury store, than a person wearing fancy clothes. The person in the gym clothes is confident enough to show that they have the money and status to walk into the store and make a purchase. 

Are you confident in your faith to walk into a place and have people say, “Wow! There is something unique about that person. I wonder what makes them so happy and positive.” Or are people saying, “Oh him? He is no different from any of us here. He is nothing special.” –Jim L. Wilson and Joe Lam

Romans 12:2 (ESV) Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. 


Fresh Sermon Illustrations
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